My darling husband of course is no problem, but I discovered that I really don't like having other people using my stuff, washing my stuff and attempting to put my stuff away. Completely ungrateful I know....but seriously, I just have to hunt for it and put it away correctly later.
2) I hate giving/getting gifts because the calendar says to.
We have decided not to exchange Christmas gifts with each other. Frustration, not so much with the commercialization of Christmas, but the entitlement mentality we have observed around us has turned us off of the "giving spirit" around calendar specific holidays.
I've always hated Valentine's day for the same reason. I would rather have flowers some other time of the year when it's not a contest to see who gets the best flower arrangment or the cutest stuffed animal delivered to work. (actually I'd rather not get flowers since I'm allergic, but I've never heard of someone getting hives from diamonds....wink,wink) Getting gifts because it is expected sucks. If someone wants to give me a gift then it better be because they found something that made them think of me.....not just something to wrap up that a blind & deaf monkey who has never met me might pick out.
Plus, all you can find around the holidays are cheap, cheesy bath product gift baskets that no one really wants.
I would be totally fine not receiving gifts at all if the only other option is gifts that are a waste of money because I won't use them. Now, don't confuse this opinion with me wanting to write a list of things I want. That also takes the personal thought out of the equation for the giver. If you can't find something that YOU think I would want, then don't buy anything. Save your money. Of course there is the flip side of that....if you don't think highly enough of someone to know a little about what the like then why are you buying them gifts?
3) My husband is my lifeline.
If I get stressed out while fixing Thanksgiving dinner because I can't find the chili powder I just used the night before, he will always be there to give me a hug and calm me down....then proceed to find the chili powder (not the one I used the night before, but it'll do the job).
4) Despite coming from the same parents, my brother and I have some totally different fundatmental beliefs.
I don't have anything else to add to this....I'm still processing.
5) I'm am completey blessed with the most amazing immediate, extended and married-into family.
I had both sides of the family to my house for the festivities this Thanksgiving and it was awesome. Everyone gets along, actually enjoys each other and no one complained about the lack of turkey! (We had some rocking Texas Brisket Chili with Butternut Squash that I found in the October 2008 Bon Apetite'){this explains the need for chili powder}
6) I don't remember growing up as fast as my nieces and nephews are
Seriously, wasn't it just last Christmas we were buying toy horses for my niece? And my nephew is now taller than me and his voice is deeper than my husbands. Am I getting olderthat fast too?!?!
7) My sister-in-law (married to my brother) looks good and is comfortable in anything!
I don't want to talk about this depresses me.
8) "Sock gifts" are not in fact a gift of socks.
They are pretty much the same as stocking stuffers. Although, I think my husband may have gotten socks at one point as a "sock gift". I also heard he got some lipstick once.
9) There are infinite renditions of "Baby It's Cold Outside"
Seriously, we listen to Pandora when we're home and had it tuned to all the fun Christmas music stations for the festive atmosphere. Here is the link to an extensive list of all the artist duet who have recorded it since it's debut in 1944.,_It's_Cold_Outside
10) Christmas cactus' don't always bloom at Christmas.
Sometimes they bloom at Thanksgiving, or Easter or my birthday. Basically if they get cold consistently for a few days they start to bloom. Don't know what a Christmas cactus is? Here's an interesting site to get you in the know...
Man, I am so taking back the bath salts I got for you. lol. Glad your Thanksgiving feast went well.
Ahhh, as usual, I'm refreshed and humored by your blogs! Thanks, friend! :)
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