Friday, December 5, 2008

What Would Jesus Do?

Well, He sure as heck wouldn't wear a cheesy t-shirt with some self-righteous message on it.  And he wouldn't forward emails to all his Christian friends (who aren't the ones who need it anyway).

He's not going to love me more if I forward an email.  He loves me more than anyone already.

He's not going to answer my prayer if I forward an email.  He answers prayers when you ask sincerely and with the right motivation.

He's not going to heal me if I forward an email.  See answers to prayers above.

Wearing a "Christian" t-shirt is not a witness....your daily attitude and lifestyle are.   Message T-shirts shouldn't be necessary.

Bumper stickers don't save and compassion do.  Bumper stickers just look tacky and leave a sticky mess on your car.  

Wearing a cross doesn't mean you get a one way ticket to heaven.. .. believing in the One who died on it for you does.

No follower of Christ should ever have to put something on their physical body to show the world who their God is.  It should be on our face, in our attitude, inspire our compassion and make people want to be like you and near you....not run away from you like you're selling magazine subscriptions.


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